You can easily create a hosting account for any user on your server using the "Create a New Account" feature built into the WHM control panel.
NOTE: If you have already created a package and want to use the existing package for this new account, only set the options below marked with an asterisk (*). You can also override any of the existing package options by setting options not marked with an asterisk below.
- Set the following:
- *Domain
- Enter the domain name for the new hosting account. When you tab over to the UserName text box or click inside any of the other text boxes on the page, WHM will automatically fill in the UserName text box based on the domain name you entered. You can modify the UserName according to your specific needs.
- *UserName
- Enter the username for the new hosting account. (See Domain information above).
- *Password
- Enter the password for the new hosting account.
- Quota (MB)
- Enter the number of MegaBytes your new base package will use for disk space. (You can leave the entry as default "unlimited" if you do not want the account to have a limitation on disk space.)
- IP
- Click on the check box if your new base package requires a dedicated IP address.
- CGI Access
- Click on the check box if your new base package requires CGI Access.
- Shell Access
- Click on the check box if your new base package requires Shell Access
- Frontpage Extensions
- Click on the check box if your new base package requires Frontpage Extensions.
- Max FTP Accounts
- Enter th e maximum number of FTP Accounts for your new base package. (If you do not want to enter a maximum limit on this feature, leave as default "unlimited" in the field.)
- Max Email Accounts
- Enter the maximum number of Email Accounts for your new base package. (If you do not want to enter a maximum limit on this feature, leave as default "unlimited" in the field.)
- Max Email Lists
- Enter the maximum number of Email Lists for your new base package. (If you do not want to enter a maximum limit on this feature, leave as default "unlimited" in the field.)
- Max SQL Databases
- Enter the maximum number of databases for your new base package. (If you do not want to enter a maximum limit on this feature, leave as default "unlimited" in the field.)
- Max Sub Domains
- Enter the maximum number of Sub Domains for your new base package. (If you do not want to enter a maximum limit on this feature, leave as default "unlimited" in the field.)
- Max Parked Domains
- Enter the maximum number of Parked Domains for your new base package. (If you do not want to enter a maximum limit on this feature, leave as default "unlimited" in the field.)
- Max Addon Domains
- Enter the maximum number of Addon Domains for your new base package. (If you do not want to enter a maximum limit on this feature, leave as default "unlimited" in the field.)
- Bandwidth Limit (MB)
- Enter the number of MegaBytes your new base package will use for bandwidth.
- cPanel Theme
- Select the cPanel theme your new base package will use for a theme. See the Universal Theme Manager document for further details.
- Feature List
- Select the Features List your new base package will use for additional features. (See the Feature Manager document for further information.)
- IP Address (only for new IP-based accounts)
- Select from the drop down menu. Your choices include:
- Auto Assign - This option will automatically assign an IP address to the account.
- *Package
- Select the package you want the new account to use from the drop down menu. If a package does not exist, follow the instructions in the Add Packages documents.
- *Contact Email
- Enter the account holder's contact email. (This should be an off network email address. Use the account holder's personal email address or the email address they provide to you.)
- *Reseller
- Click on the check box to indicate this account is a reseller account. View the Reseller Center document to learn more about creating reseller accounts.
- *Owner (only if reseller)
- By default this option will be checked. If this account is a reseller account, leave the check box checked, otherwise uncheck the check box by clicking on it.
- *Use domain registry nameservers (ignore locally configured ones)
- Click on the check box if you want to use the nameservers associated with the domain registrar. Otherwise leave the check box unchecked.
- *Nameservers
- If you have already created nameservers on this server, the nameserver entries will be pre-populated automatically.
- Click on the Create button.
- Waiting a few seconds for the system to create the new account. The results should appear when the page has finished loading. Results will be similar to the following:
+===================================+ | New Account Info | +===================================+ | Domain: YOUR_DOMAIN_NAME | Ip: YOUR_IP (n) | HasCgi: x | UserName: YOUR_USERNAME | PassWord: YOUR_PASSWORD | CpanelMod: YOUR_THEME | HomeRoot: /home | Quota: x Meg | NameServer1: NAMESERVER | NameServer2: NAMESERVER | NameServer3: | NameServer4: | Contact Email: +===================================+ Changing password for YOUR_USERNAME Password for YOUR_USERNAME has been changed Keeping Shell Access (x) Copying skel files from /home/USER/THEME/ to /home/YOUR_USERNAME/ Added Entries to httpd.conf Bind reconfiguring on server1 using rndc Added Dns File httpd.conf tests passed, installed new configuration Restarting apache Updating ftp passwords for YOUR_USERNAME Ftp password files updated. Ftp vhost passwords synced Notification => YOUR_ADMINISTRATOR via EMAIL [level => 3] wwwacct creation finished Reseller privs added! Account Creation Complete