Configuration File Rollback Print

  • 5

cPanel and WHM automatically saves a backup version of the following three files whenever they are changed:

  • httpd.conf
  • named.conf
  • proftpd.conf

You can revert to any of the previously saved versions whenever required. The restored version becomes the latest version, and does not delete other versions.

  1. To access the Backup Menu, click on Backup, on the main screen of your WebHost Manager interface.
  2. Click on Configuration File Rollback.
  3. Click on one of the following buttons:
    • [path]/httpd.conf button
    • path]/named.conf
    • [path]/proftpd.conf
  1. Click on the < button to review previous versions. As you change files, the Date field will update and the display area will update with the contents of the different file.
  2. Click on Restore to roll back to the displayed version of the file

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