Server Time Print

  • 4

The Server Time area enables you to set the time zone for your server clock. You can also synchronize your server time with the displayed time in your browser. Your server time needs to be correct for your license to be synced with cPanel's licensing system.

  1. To access the Server Configuration Menu, click on Server Configuration, on the main screen of your WebHost Manager interface.
  2. Click on Server Time.
  3. Click on The Required Time Zone in the drop-down list.
  4. Click on Change Time Zone.
  5. If you need to synchronize your server time with the displayed time in your browser, click on Sync Time with Time Server.

Troubleshooting (Advanced Users Only)

You can always manually update your server's time using the rdate command. Using: rdate -s

This will update your server's time and should be done when receiving license errors.


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