This feature allows you to restore full backups; cPanel backups and cPanel move files. You can use this feature to restore a single account that has been backed up, or a cpmove file from another server that has been transferred to your server.
The files will need to be in the following form(s): cpmove-user.tar.gz, user.tar.gz, or backup-date_time_user.tar.gz
- To access the Backup Menu, click on Backup, on the main screen of your WebHost Manager interface.
- Click on Restore a full Backup / cpmove file.
- Type the username of the account you wish to restore in the blank field next to Enter the username for the account you wish to restore.
- Click Restore.
Make sure the backup file is located on the server in /home,/usr/home,/web,/home2,/home3,/root, or /usr