Restore A Full Backup / cpmove file Print

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This feature allows you to restore full backups; cPanel backups and cPanel move files. You can use this feature to restore a single account that has been backed up, or a cpmove file from another server that has been transferred to your server.

The files will need to be in the following form(s): cpmove-user.tar.gz, user.tar.gz, or backup-date_time_user.tar.gz

  1. To access the Backup Menu, click on Backup, on the main screen of your WebHost Manager interface.
  2. Click on Restore a full Backup / cpmove file.
  3. Type the username of the account you wish to restore in the blank field next to Enter the username for the account you wish to restore.
  4. Click Restore.


Make sure the backup file is located on the server in /home,/usr/home,/web,/home2,/home3,/root, or /usr


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