You can display a customized version of the cPanel or WebHost Manager news, rather than use the default news script.
You can modify the following areas:
- Global cPanel News
- Displays on the home page of all cPanels that you can effect, including your own, your resellers', and your resellers' customers' cPanels.
- Global WebHost Manager News
- Displays in the News area of all resellers' WebHost Manager interfaces.
- Resold Customer News
- Displays on the home page of all your resellers' customers' cPanels
- CPanel News
- Displays on the home page of all your customers' cPanels (not your resellers' customers).
- To access the cPanel Menu, click on cPanel, on the main screen of your WebHost Manager interface.
- Click on Modify CPanel/WebHost Manager News.
- Enter or copy and paste the HTML code that you want to use into the relevant work areas.
- Click on Save News.
The News page is coded in HTML so you need to use HTML code when creating your own news content.