Install cPAddons Print

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The "Install cPAddons" feature allows you to install cPanel Addons.

When the page loads you will see a five-column table consisting of the following information:

  • Installed - If the check box is checked, the associated cPAddon script has been installed. If the check box is not checked, the associated cPAddon script has not been installed.
  • Vendor - The vendor that provided the cPAddon script.
  • Category - The type of category the cPAddon script belongs to (Blogs, Bulletin Boards, CMS, Chat, Ecommerce, Gallery, Guest Books, Support).
  • Security - The level of security for the associate cPAddon script.
  • Name - The name of the associated cPAddon script.

Installing A cPAddon Script

  1. Click on the check box associated with the cPAddon script you want to install. You can check multiple cPAddon scripts to install.
  2. Click on the Update Addon Config button.

Uninstalling A cPAddon Script

  1. Click on the check box associated with the cPAddon script you want to uninstall. You can check multiple cPAddon scripts to uninstall.
  2. Click on the Update Addon Config button.
  3. After the cPAddon script has been uninstalled, click on the back link.
  4. When the page loads, you will see a "Completely Remove" link next to the name of the cPAddon script you uninstalled. You should only completely remove the cPAddon for an uninstalled cPAddon if you've uninstalled all installs of it first by clicking on the Completely Remove link. Otherwise you will end up with installations that can not be removed until you reinstall the module.

Force Refresh of All cPAddon Sources

  1. If you want to refresh all cPAddon sources, click on the Force Refresh of All cPAddon Sources check box.
  2. Click on the Update Addon Config button


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