Changing Name Servers of your Domain Name Print

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Changing Name Servers of your Domain Name

In order to host a website on your domain name, you will need to obtain the Name Servers from the Web Hosting Company with whom you wish to host your website and point your domain name to these Name Servers.


Follow the steps below to associate Name Servers with your domain name  -

  1. Contact your Web Hosting Company and find out from them the Name Servers you need to use.

    If you have bought Web Hosting for your domain name through Keyline then you can contact us at about the name servers on respective servers and we would update you with the same.
  2. Login to your Control Panel, search for the domain name for which you want to add/modify Name Servers and proceed to the Order Details view. 
  3. Click on the Modify Name Server button. Feed in the Name Servers you want (up to 13* Name Servers) and click Submit.

    If at this step you get an error stating Name Server is not yet registered, then this implies that the Name Server(s) you are submitting has/have not been registered with the Registry. Please contact your Web Hosting Company and ask them to provide Name Servers that are valid and registered with the Registry.


  • If the domain name is Locked, you will have to first Unlock this domain name before adding/modifying Name Servers.  

  • *.UK domain names support only upto 10 Name Servers. Therefore, you cannot add more than 10 Name Servers for your .UK domain name.
  • *.EU domain names support only upto 9 Name Servers. Therefore, you cannot add more than 9 Name Servers for your .EU domain name.
  • Upon modifying your domain name's Name Servers, your website would begin appearing in a web browser, after about 24 to 48 hours (provided your Web Hosting package is properly setup and you have uploaded the content of your website). This is a standard time-frame required for a process called as DNS Propagation to complete Worldwide. This process is not controlled by any one ISP/company and therefore it can not be hastened.
  • If you wish to modify/delete a Name Server of a .EU/.UK domain name, which appears to be the Child Name Server of the same .EU/.UK domain name, then you can not do so from this interface. This action is only possible from the Manage Child Name Server interface.

  • Example

    If you wish to modify/delete the Name Server of or of, then you will not be able to do so from this interface. This action is permissible from the Manage Child Name Server interface only.

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