Modify An Account Print

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If you need to change the attributes of an account you have already created, you can do so by modifying the account rather than deleting it and creating a new account. By modifying an account, you can change the account's cPanel theme, FTP limits, SQL limits, etc. You can also modify an account by changing it's package through the Upgrade/Downgrade an Account Function.

  1. To access the Account Functions Menu, click on Account Functions, on the main screen of your WebHost Manager interface.
  2. Click on Modify an Account.
  3. Click on the domain name or user name you wish to modify and then click on Edit.
  4. Enter the new account attributes as you did when creating an account.
  5. Click on Save to save the changes to the account.


To change an account's disk space quota or bandwidth quota, use the Upgrade/Downgrade an Account Function.

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